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How to Write an Ebuild on Gentoo

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An ebuild is a script written in the Gentoo Linux Portage system that contains the instructions for building and installing a package. Here is a step-by-step guide to writing an ebuild on Gentoo:

  1. Create a directory for the ebuild: Ebuilds are stored in a directory structure that reflects the package’s name and version. For example, the ebuild for version 1.2.3 of the package “foo” would be stored in a directory called “foo-1.2.3”. Create this directory in the appropriate location in the Portage tree.
  2. Write the ebuild file: The ebuild file should be named after the package and version, with the “.ebuild” extension. For example, the ebuild for “foo-1.2.3” would be called “foo-1.2.3.ebuild”.
  3. Set the ebuild header: The first part of the ebuild file should contain a set of variables that define the package. These include the package name and version, the homepage, the license, the dependencies, and any other relevant information. For example:
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