How to Install RPM Package on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

What is the RPM package on RHEL?

RPM stands for “Red Hat Package Manager.” It is a package management system for installing, uninstalling, and managing software packages in Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and other Linux distributions.

An RPM package is a file that contains the files and metadata needed to install a software application or library on a system running an RPM-based Linux distribution. The package includes information such as the package name, version number, dependencies, and installation instructions.

RPM packages have the file extension .rpm and can be installed using the rpm command. They are commonly used in Red Hat Enterprise Linux and other Red Hat-based distributions, such as CentOS and Fedora.

RPM packages are similar to other package formats, such as Debian packages (.deb) used in Debian-based distributions like Ubuntu, and Pacman packages (.pkg) used in Arch Linux.

How to Install RPM Package on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

To install an RPM package on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), you can use the rpm command.

To download an RPM package using wget, you will need the URL for the package. You can usually find this URL on the website of the software you are trying to download, or you may be provided with a link directly.

Once you have the URL, you can use wget to download the package with the following command:


This will download the package to your current working directory. You can also specify a different directory to save the package by using the -P option followed by the path to the desired directory:

wget -P /path/to/directory

You can also use the -O option to specify a different filename for the downloaded package:

wget -O new_filename.rpm

Then, use the rpm command with the -i option to install the package:

sudo rpm -i package.rpm

This will install the package on your system.

You can also use the -U option to upgrade an existing package to a newer version:

sudo rpm -U package.rpm

If you want to verify that the package was installed correctly, you can use the rpm command with the -V option:

rpm -V package

This will check the package’s files and directories to make sure they match the information stored in the package’s metadata.

If you need to uninstall the package, you can use the rpm command with the -e option:

sudo rpm -e package
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